What to Expect When Working with Me

  • Alyssa Pittman Profile Picture (1)
    Alyssa A. Pittman, RDN

Getting to Know You

The journey begins with understanding you as an individual. Before diving into any recommendations or plans, I aim to grasp your unique relationship with food, including strengths, challenges, dietary history, and eating styles. This foundation ensures personalized strategies tailored to your specific needs.

Photo Food Logging

For the first week, you'll log your food and beverages through photos. This visual record provides a genuine reflection of your current eating habits, meal timings, and portion sizes. It's a non-invasive, real-world method to capture dietary patterns.

The First Session

This 60-minute session is a comprehensive review and discussion.

  • Insights: I will discuss patterns and observations from your food logs.

  • Education: Throughout the session, I will provide nutrition education, debunking myths and reinforcing truths.

  • Collaboration: It’s a two-way dialogue, ensuring you’re actively involved in the planning and decision-making.
  • Goal Setting: By the end, a few immediate, achievable short-term goals will be set. These could range from hydrating more to incorporating more veggies into meals.

Follow-up Visits

Typically scheduled two weeks post the initial session, it's a checkpoint for progress, challenges, and insights.


  • Review: The session starts by discussing the set goals, your journey towards them, successes, and areas where you faced difficulties.

  • Flexible Monitoring: While photo food logging can continue as an accountability tool, it’s up to you to decide its continuation.

  • Further Goal Setting: New short-term goals are set, aligning with your bigger objectives. Over time, these short-term wins accumulate, paving the way to your long-term aspirations.

Consistent Support

With NWA, you're not alone in your journey. While formal sessions are integral, my approach ensures you're supported, encouraged, and guided throughout.

Holistic Evolution

While the primary focus is nutrition, the impact is comprehensive. With every session and achieved goal, you'll notice an evolution not just in your dietary patterns but also in your perception of food and yourself.

In essence, working with Nutrition with Alyssa is about understanding, collaboration, education, and transformation. Through structured yet flexible approaches, you’re guided towards nurturing a healthier relationship with food, aligning daily practices with long-term well-being objectives.

Hello! I’m Alyssa Pittman, a 35-year-old Registered Dietitian based in Shrewsbury, MA. I still remember the day I passed the RD exam – it remains one of the best days of my life! All my hard work, dedication, and countless hours poured into studying and understanding the intricate world of nutrition had finally paid off. More than the personal achievement, I was ecstatic about channeling my passion for food and nutrition to aid others. Whether it’s assisting those grappling with weight issues, helping manage diseases through diet, or guiding those with disordered eating patterns, my commitment to making a positive difference has been my driving force.

My intrigue with nutrition took root during my junior year in high school. A vivid memory that stands out is when I eagerly educated my classmates about which granola bar was the healthiest option. 😊 Fast forward a bit, and as I delved deeper into my first nutrition class at Framingham State University, I was taken aback. I had stepped into a universe that was much broader and profound than just granola bars and apples. It dawned on me that nutrition was a profound science, influencing not just our physical wellbeing but also our mental health.

Beyond the professional realm, I treasure the time I spend with my beloved husband and our two spirited young boys in our Shrewsbury home. Our evenings often oscillate between cozy family movie nights and playful sports sessions in the backyard. It’s these moments of laughter and bonding that add true richness to my life.

Now, let me take you through my professional journey, where my passion for nutrition came to life in various impactful roles:

Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center - Director of Nutrition

At Harvard Street, I faced the exhilarating challenge of creating a nutrition department from scratch. Collaborating with dedicated doctors and nurses, I provided specialized nutrition counseling for patients of all ages and backgrounds. In addition, I championed community nutrition, overseeing a food pantry to ensure both availability and education about nutritious food choices.

Blackstone Health Inc. - Nutrition Director

In this role, I was responsible for ensuring that seniors across 13 centers in Rhode Island had access to nutritious meals that met state and USDA guidelines. Beyond the menus, I organized weight loss groups, offered individual counseling, and took to the stage to educate seniors on topics close to their heart – quite literally – such as heart health, diabetes, and more.

College of the Holy Cross - Assistant Director of Nutrition

Here, I worked with the vibrant college community, offering nutrition counseling on various topics like sports nutrition, food allergies, and eating disorders. One of my proud achievements was leading the Food Allergy and Special Diet Program, ensuring that students with dietary needs felt safe and catered for. I also took on the academic hat, presenting to classes about the foundational and specialized aspects of nutrition.

Throughout these roles, one thing has remained constant: my passion for helping individuals foster a healthier relationship with food. By understanding, respecting, and working with our unique dietary needs and preferences, I believe we can all lead healthier, happier lives.

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